POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER: Nordic Trophy Cup 2020 - Event 3 - Norwegian Championship
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We want to inform you that this year's nm will be moved to the weekend 18.- 20. September. This is done on the basis of dialogue with Arendal Yacht Club (Arendals Seilforening) as well as the votes of the members of the Norwegian Melges 24 Class.
Otherwise, we wish you all a Happy Easter!
April 8, 2020
Arendal Yacht Club (Arendals Seilforening) is the proud organizer of Open Norwegian Championship 2020 for the Melges 24 class. The races are part of our annual APL Race and take place in Arendal from 4th to 7th of June.
The race area between Hove and Torungen lighthouses offers good and stable conditions.
We have prebooked 50 rooms at Clarion Hotel Tyholmen: Tyholmen Hotel