IM24CA World Council Elected Vice Chairman Asia Pacific and Accepted Two Class Rule Changes

July 2, 2020 - IM24CA -  International Melges 24 Class Association held an Extraordinary General Meeting of the World Council online on July 1st at 1 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) / 3 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time) / 4 pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) / 9 pm UK / 10 pm CEST (Central Europe Summer Time) / 11 pm Estonia / 6 am Sydney Australia (July 2).
The following IM24CA World Council members and Executive Committee members were present or sent their votes beforehand:

  1. Laura Grondin – Chair and representing Great Britain with Proxy
  2. Miles Quinton - Vice Chairman of Europe
  3. Duncan Stamper - Vice Chairman of Americas
  4. Michael Tarabochia - Member Europe and representing Germany and Switzerland with Proxy
  5. Kevin Nixon - representing Australia with Proxy
  6. Dan Berezin - representing Canada
  7. Soren Blume Svendsen - representing Denmark
  8. Botond Weores - representing Hungary with Proxy
  9. Andrea Racchelli - representing Italy
  10. Branko Parunov - IM24CA Chief Measurer and representing Slovenia with Proxy
  11. Torvald Asplund - representing Sweden
  12. Megan Ratliff - representing United States
  13. Austria was represented with votes from Michael Schineis

Non-voting participants:

  1. Mike Gozzard - Technical Committee Chair
  2. David Bartol - Championship Coordinator Europe
  3. Piret Salmistu - Administrator, Media Coordinator

The number of votes were counted according to the membership numbers of 2019. Here is a link to the number of votes by countries. 


1. Elections of Vice Chairman of Asia Pacific

a. Proposed by the Executive Committee to elect Kevin Nixon to fill an unexpired 3-year term as Vice Chairman of Asia Pacific for the calendar years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Under Robert's Rules of Order, Chair Laura Grondin asked for a motion; Megan Ratliff made the motion to elect Kevin Nixon, Duncan Stamper seconded the motion. No discussion on topic.

Voting results: 54 in favor / 0 against / 2 abstain

Kevin Nixon was elected to fill an unexpired 3-year term as Vice Chairman of Asia Pacific for the calendar years 2020, 2021 and 2022.
2. Proposed Class Rule Changes 

a. Submission of Technical Committee #1 – Regarding Masts - Read here copyright holder's consent by Reichel Pugh Yacht Design

IM24CA Technical Committee Chair Mike Gozzard read the submission and made the motion to approve the Class Rule amendment proposal #1, Duncan Stamper seconded the motion. Mike Gozzard explained the next steps in this process. Please note that regarding masts, this proposal opens the door to considering an alternative mast supplier.

Voting results: 56 in favor / 0 against / 0 abstain

b. Submission of Technical Committee #2 – Regarding Rudder Blade, Rudder Stock and Tiller

IM24CA Technical Committee Chair Mike Gozzard read the submission and made the motion to approve the Class Rule amendment proposal #2, Branko Parunov seconded the motion. No discussion on topic.

Voting results: 56 in favor / 0 against / 0 abstain
3. Other Business 
Chair Laura Grondin introduced the plan to hold the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the first weekend of November online (November 7, 2020). The date of the AGM will be notified by announcement on the IM24CA website 85 days before the officially announced date of the meeting. Motions and nominations by the Executive Committee, National Class Associations, the Technical Committee and World Sailing to be proposed at the AGM shall be submitted to the Treasurer not less than eight (8) weeks before the officially announced date of the meeting.

Technical Committee online meeting will likely be held one week prior to the AGM. 

The meeting was adjourned at 4:32 pm EDT.