2022 French Melges 24 Tour

February 23, 2022 - France - After quite some years Melges 24 fleet in France is growing and getting active again. With the leadership of current President Alain Lepreux the series of Melges 24 regattas will be organized in 2022 under the title of Melges 24 French Tour. Three Melges 24 regattas, including the National Championship, are included to the Tour 2022.

1. FRA Melges 24 Tour 2022 - 1 - Cherbourg - April 1-3

2. FRA Melges 24 Tour 2022 - 2 - Serre Poncon - July 7-10

3. FRA Melges 24 Tour 2022 - 3 - Hendaye - French National Championship - September 28 - October 2

In addition to these three regattas Melges 24 boats are welcome to be part of the regattas in Marseille (SNIM - April 15-18) and Brest (GPEN - Mai 26-28).



Melges 24 French Tour 2022

Melges 24 in France

FRA430 of Remy Thuillier with Noemie Bessec, Alexandre Bourree, Mathieu Corruble, Paul Brandel