From the Italian Class - From one end ofthe scale to the other. Tuesday has given us 20-25+ plus knots, short waves, lots of hiking upwind and fast surfing downwind! Gabrio Zandonà and Diego Negri, rerspectively helmsmen on JoeFly and tactician on Forebolt, both silver medals at the Mediterranenan Games last week, on 470 and Laser, are probably still full of adrenaline from those results, and they continue racing perfectly. So they are leading right now, but Altea is third scoring 7 and 4 today, Aleali 4th scoring 2 and 11, and Alina with a 15 and a 1 in the last race is fifth. Our foreign guests are doing well too, with Team Gill and No Woman No Cry within the first ten positions. Racing continues on wednesday, strong winds are expected again.